Sunday, July 22, 2012

Glow-Up Bulb and Spore

Some people questioned why these 2 card is banned and limited as it weak and low level.
But I'm sure most of those people out there realize why these cards is banned even though I'm pretty sure they're not very happy about it.

First of all, Glow-Up Bulb and Spore is tuner. A tuner that can special summon itself is very useful in synchro deck.

Especially since the release of Rescue Rabbit. Any tuner monster that can special summon it self provide a synchro opportunity when combine with Rescue Rabbit.

For example: if you just have Rescue Rabbit in your hand, usually most people would go for a rank 4 or 3 xyz monster such as Evolzzar Lagia, No. 39 Utopia, No. 17 Leviathan Dragon etc. But with Glow-Up Bulb existing in your grave, give you the chance to play either Level 9, 7 or 5 synchro monster among which might be Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier that allows you to banish 1 opponent's card each from field, grave and randomly from their hand. Luckily Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier is also banned, but still such trick can be use for Mist Wurm or Black Rose Dragon.

If I said because it is a tuner and can special summon it self, why is it Plaguespreader Zombie and Tech Genus Striker is just limited whilst Glow-Up Bulb and Spore would go all the way from standard to being banned. It is because of the special summoning condition. Using Plaguespreader Zombie and Tech Genus Striker can also apply the trick as above for a level 10, 8, 6 or 4 synchros. But in order to do that you still have to be in possession of 2 cards in hand. Due to that advantage of using 1 less hand card for the trick, might be the reason of Glow-Up Bulb and Spore being banned.

But I'll say to compare to Spore, Glow-Up Bulb is more more flexible as it can be included in any deck while Spore's effects must be combined with other plant type monster.

Plus, being level 1 makes very flexible to become a tuner for most synchro monsters as long as the synchro monster doesn't require a specific tuner of course.

This two card is probably banned due to the high rate of abuse such as in a Hero Quasar deck. having just particularly 1 specific card which is Future Fusion, can allow you summon Shooting Quasar Dragon in a turn even you first turn without any other specific cards need to be in your hand or grave as long as below cards is in your deck and extra deck.

Glow-Up Bulb
Plaguespreader Zombie
Blackwing Zephyros the Elite
Volcanic Shell, Level Eater
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
Formula Synchron
Elemental Hero Escuridao
Elemental Hero Gaia
Elemental Hero Nova Master
Elemental Hero Great Tornado.

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