Thursday, December 22, 2011


Lightsworn is an archtype that mainly use self mill. consist of only light monsters and focus on sending cards from your deck to your grave.

Usually the idea is to either deplete opponents life points or drill their deck until no cards left, but Lightsworn monster focus on milling your own deck. This is due to their effects that either activate when sent to grave like Wulf, The Lightsworn Beast, or that can access card in the grave like Lumina, The Lightsworn Summoner or Rinyan, The Lightsworn Rogue or even that require cards to be in grave for extra ATK such as Gragonith, The lightsworn Dragon or Shire, The lightsworn Spirit.

Lightsworn consist of one & only beatstick with 3000 ATK Judgment dragon which up till march 2011 ban list, it is semi-limited but it is unlimited when the Sept 2011 ban list is released. Being unlimited, the odds of drawing this card is of course increased and not to mention that it can be special summon by having 4 or more Lightsworn monster with different name in your grave which the condition is quite easy to set if you ask me.

Lightsworn is considered as a speedy OTK deck that doesn't focus at defense at all. Therefore, in order to build a strong Lightsworn deck, defensive cards is not quite needed, except for one which is Necro Gardna. Since that Almost all except for Wulf, The Lightsworn Beast and Rinyan, The Lightsworn Rogue, will mill deck during end phase or when to activate their effects, high chance that Necro Gardna will be sent to grave before it is added to your hand. Other cards that activate effects, from the grave like Plague Spreader Zombie and Necro Defender is also recommended though Necro Defender is not quite a favorite choice to run in this deck. All these 3 non-Lightsworn cards are dark monsters. Thus, you can run a chaos (Light & Dark attribute) deck instead,by having such cards and a lot of Lightsworn, another favorite option for an additional beatstick beside Judgment Dragon is Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning since it is now relieved of it ban list on Sept 2011, certainly is a better option to run in chaos Lightsworn deck.

Chaos Lightsworn Deck

Jain, The Lightsworn Paladin
Ehren, The Lightsworn Monk
Lumina, The Lightsworn Summoner
Lyla, The Lightsworn Sorceress
Wulf, The Lightsworn Beast
Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter
Garoth, The Lightsworn Warrior
Plague Spreader Zombie
Necro Gardna
Junk Synchron
Night Assailant
Snipe Hunter
Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
Dark Armed Dragon
Judgment Dragon
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Charge of the Light Brigade
Solar Recharge
Foolish Burial
Monster Reborn
Reinforcement of the Army
Card Destruction
Warrior Returning Alive
Solemn Judgment
Mirror Force
Beckoning Light
Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
Heavenly Wolf Blue King Seirios
Ally of Justice Catastor
Black Rose Dragon
Junk Berserker
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Even though there are quite a number if synchro monsters listed and the fact that Junk Synchron is included in this deck, it doesn't focus on synchro that much. The purpose of Synchro monsters in this deck is to come back in a pinch in case if you are unable to draw either Judgment Dragon or Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning to your hand which is rarely happen due to Beckoning Light and The Warrior Returning Alive. Night Assailant effects can recover Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter from the grave after activating Card Destruction and Beckoning Light or used for the cost of activating Lumina, The Lightsworn Summoner, Snipe Hunter and Brionac Dragon of the Ice Barrier's effect, or can be used in addition to Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter for extra destructive effect. Since that this deck does not have continuous spells or traps, running Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness is certainly a better option because its attribute is dark & can be summoned easily when you take damage while you control no cards.

As you can see, most of the spells and traps are the kind that send cards to grave and draw power, so, this deck is focus a lot on monster effect especially to summon either Judgment Dragon, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning or Dark Armed Dragon.

A pure Lightsworn deck is also strong enough to not be taken lightly. As they have a lot of destruction effects from Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter, Lyla, The Lightsworn Sorceress, Celestia, The Lightsworn Angel and Judgment Dragon and also power houses such as Gragonith, The Lightsworn Dragon, Wulf, The Lightsworn Beast & Shire, The Lightsworn Spirit.

Another few cards that support Lightsworn is Painful choice and Gozen Match. If you decide to run a pure Lightsworn deck that only has light monsters, Gozen Match is not a bad choice as it prevent most synchro and xyz deck from synchro and xyz summon. Painful choice is definitely the greatest choice as you can send 4 Lightsworn to grave and add 1 to your hand. By activating this card, you can summon at least 2 Wulf, The Lightsworn Beast in one turn. That's if you can use this card, seeming that Painful Choice is banned for many years and still banned up till March 2012. So, this card is definitely can't be used. Plus, I doubt that this card will be unbanned in the future. Due to Painful Choice, the possibility to summon Judgment Dragon on your first turn is very high.

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